©2024 Edo State Government


Welcome to the Education & Awareness section of the Edo State Strategy, Policy, Projects, and Performance Management Office. Here, we highlight our commitment to promoting education, raising awareness, and empowering citizens to actively participate in governance and development initiatives.

Education and awareness are fundamental pillars of sustainable development and good governance. By investing in education and raising awareness about key issues, we empower individuals to make informed decisions, participate in civic life, and contribute to the socio-economic development of Edo State.

Educational Programs: We support various educational programs and initiatives aimed at improving access to quality education, enhancing learning outcomes, and equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.
Awareness Campaigns: We conduct awareness campaigns on a range of topics, including civic rights and responsibilities, health and sanitation, environmental conservation, and entrepreneurship, to empower citizens and promote positive behavior change.
Capacity Building Workshops: We organize capacity building workshops and training sessions for government officials, civil society organizations, and community leaders to strengthen their knowledge and skills in areas such as project management, policy analysis, and performance monitoring.
Information Dissemination: We leverage various communication channels, including websites, social media platforms, community radio, and town hall meetings, to disseminate information, engage with citizens, and foster dialogue on important issues affecting the state.

Education: We are committed to improving access to quality education for all residents of Edo State, with a particular focus on marginalized and vulnerable groups, including girls, children with disabilities, and rural communities.
Civic Engagement: We strive to promote active citizenship and civic engagement by providing citizens with the knowledge, tools, and platforms they need to participate in democratic processes, hold government accountable, and advocate for their rights and interests.
Health and Sanitation: We work to raise awareness about health and sanitation issues, promote healthy behaviors, and support initiatives to improve access to healthcare services, clean water, and sanitation facilities in communities across Edo State.
Environmental Conservation: We advocate for environmental conservation and sustainable resource management practices to mitigate the impact of climate change, protect natural habitats, and safeguard the environment for future generations.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation: We support entrepreneurship and innovation initiatives that create opportunities for economic growth, job creation, and wealth generation, fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among youth and aspiring entrepreneurs in Edo State.

We invite individuals, organizations, and stakeholders from all sectors to join us in our efforts to promote education, raise awareness, and drive positive change in Edo State. Whether through volunteering, collaboration, or advocacy, together, we can build a more educated, informed, and empowered society that thrives on the principles of good governance and sustainable development.

Explore our resources section for educational materials, toolkits, publications, and other resources related to education, awareness, and civic engagement. Access valuable information, guides, and resources to support your efforts in promoting education and raising awareness in your community.

Have questions or want to learn more about our education and awareness initiatives? Get in touch with us through our contact page. We welcome your feedback, ideas, and suggestions as we work together to build a brighter future for Edo State.