©2024 Edo State Government


Welcome to the Resources section of the Edo State Strategy, Policy, Projects, and Performance Management Office. Here, you will find a wealth of information, tools, and materials to support strategic planning, policy formulation, project management, and performance monitoring efforts in Edo State.

Access a comprehensive collection of documents and publications related to governance, development planning, policy analysis, project management, and performance monitoring. Explore reports, research papers, policy briefs, and other publications to stay informed about key issues and trends shaping Edo State’s development agenda.

Find practical toolkits, guidelines, and templates to support strategic planning, policy formulation, project management, and performance monitoring activities. Whether you are developing a strategic plan, designing a policy intervention, managing a project, or monitoring performance indicators, these resources will provide valuable guidance and best practices to help you succeed.

Access reliable data and statistics on various socio-economic indicators, demographic trends, infrastructure development, and service delivery outcomes in Edo State. Our data repository provides access to datasets, databases, and statistical reports to support evidence-based decision-making, policy analysis, and performance monitoring efforts.

Explore training programs, workshops, seminars, and capacity-building initiatives designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, and competencies of government officials, policymakers, and development practitioners in Edo State. From strategic planning and policy analysis to project management and performance monitoring, our training offerings cover a wide range of topics to support professional development and institutional capacity-building efforts.

Discover links to relevant websites, online resources, and external organizations working in the fields of governance, development planning, policy analysis, project management, and performance monitoring. These external resources complement our internal offerings and provide additional information, tools, and perspectives to support your work in advancing Edo State’s development agenda.

Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about strategic planning, policy formulation, project management, and performance monitoring. If you need further assistance or have specific inquiries, our helpdesk is available to provide support, guidance, and clarification on any aspect of our work and the resources available on this platform.

We encourage stakeholders, including government officials, civil society organizations, development partners, and citizens, to actively engage with the resources available on this platform and contribute to the advancement of governance, development planning, and performance management efforts in Edo State. Together, we can build a more prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable future for all residents of Edo State.